solve cases faster with

genetic genealogy

Making investigations easier with help from an experienced police investigator and working forensic law enforcement genetic genealogist.
genetic genealogy

training classes

Virtual and on-site training.
CLICK the image to learn more or contact us for more specifics.
Practical Genetic Genealogy Investigations For Law Enforcement
Advanced Ancestry Tree Software For Law Enforcement
Advanced Identification Strategies For Law Enforcement
Practical Genetic Genealogy For Medical Examiners
Introduction To Genetic Genealogy
Planning For And Implementing Genetic Genealogy In Your Agency
Agent, Federal Law Enforcement
"I learned a LOT during your classes and definitely see the advantage in using genealogy websites to locate suspects."
Captain, Local Police Department
"The class was great and I can see how it could be a valuable resource."
Agent, Director Federal Law Enforcement Academy
"This is a terrific course..."
Civilian Investigator, District Attorney's Office
"...this was a very helpful training especially for those of us just getting our feet wet."
Civilian Investigator, State Police Agency
(The Best Thing About Our Training) "Learning a different method of tree building and research."
Detective, Local Law Enforcement
" is amazing the links that it can make with people."